Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's About Time!!!!

For years, I have been working hard parenting, teaching, and cleaning,while gleaning off of thousands of blogs and other incredible websites. Now Pinterest has become one of my popular favorites as I spend at least an hour a day planning my copycat routine of crafts, recipes and home decor. I have been so grateful for those who have shared their fantastic ideas! Now here I am pregnant with my fourth child feeling that if I don't do something soon, I will miss out sharing my learning experiences and I will probably forget all I discover as a a stay-at-home, busy, busy mom. Therefore, I have decided it is about time I give back to those who have benefited me in so many ways. I need to be contributing to the world of cooking/ family learning. So, this blog is my first attempt. It will be slow at first since I have no idea what I am doing but I have high hopes for a well of knowledge to be placed here and enjoyed by others. I am so excited to get started and can't wait to see if anyone else is benefited by what I share.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Wow, #4. You are such an amazing mother! Big congrats! We're so happy for you.