My Mother
I want to start by sharing how grateful I am for my mother. My mother had a trying life and she worked hard to provide me with life building opportunities. She taught piano for years so that I could be in activities at school. When I went on a mission she worked hard to pay for my service. I love her.
Recently I was taught a very powerful lesson from her on the principle of forgiveness. I have been holding on to hardships our family dealt with for years and blamed my mother for a lot of it. When she came to serve our family after the birth of my fifth child, I told her how I felt but it did not mend my relationship as I hoped it would. I came away from the conversation feeling dissatisfied.
A few weeks later I received a letter from my mother. I didn't want to read it but when I finally did, it changed me. She told me that she did her best as my mother and she reminded me that when her mother died at the very young age of 60, the only regret she had was not more fully enjoying the time she had spent with her. Now, looking back, she only wanted to remember the good times she shared with her mother.
The letter was very short but it revealed the truth about me. I had spent so much time thinking about the bad for so many years that I had missed the good. I also had lost some very valuable time with my mother who had loved me dearly and had been a great influence for good in my life. I held her to the standard of perfection and sorely paid the price. When she came to visit more recently, I asked my mother to forgive me. Now, in reflection, I see how my bitterness had hindered my ability to love. I am so grateful for my mother who had the wisdom and courage to teach me that I was capable of
Since that time I have begun to look at life differently. I too am not a perfect mother. I recently discovered that I will never fullfill all the roles that are required to raise a family in this day and age. I will fall short and I only pray that my children will be more forgiving than I have been. I love them all so much. I want to cherish each day that I have with them .
My mother has opened my eyes and taught me that I need to spend my time being an influence for good in the lives of those around me because one day I too will pass and I would like to be remembered as someone who did all in her power to love and serve. I know I will never be the ideal mother I want to be but I hope that at the end of my life I will be able to look back and say that I did the very best I could.
I am learning even now that to be a mother is to be gentle, kind, encouraging, strong, persistent, patient, wise and a joy to be around. Most importantly I am learning that my reaction to who my children are and what they do will determine the very thing that they become. I want that reaction to always be full of love and compassion. So, today I am making a goal to improve and embrace these positive attributes.
All Mothers
To all mothers every where, I encourage you to stand and be proud for the work you are doing. Accept what we cannot do and focus on what we can. Cherish the moments you have and live with gratitude for the angels who have been sent to bless your life and the knowledge that you are changing the world one moment at a time. I know that as we stand proud and work with faith, we will be influences for good in those who surround us.
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